Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hobbit Runners Rejoice


See you on June 9 at the dirty half. I will be the runner carrying number 3 banner for overweight, bow-legged, hobbit runners.

I think I will hire Martin as well, and and actually pay him to train you astray. The race is only 6 weeks away. Isn't it time for you to taper?

Best regards,

The heavy one.


JCaba said...

You are correct hobbit, generally I do incorporate a 6 week taper. Seems to help reach my max HR within the first mile. We'll see what my coach comes up with this year.

JCaba said...

Is it some sort of hobbit tradition to show up for a race 5 days early? If you are there on June 14 I will certainly toe the line with your hobbitness.