Friday, January 1, 2010

Good Vibes

I'm lovin the Vibes. Put in another 2 mile cool down run today and have to say they felt very natural. They don't seem to alter my stride at all. The only negative is a small blister that has developed over my big toe at the mtp joint where the sole wraps around the side. It should callous up soon and be non-problematic before long. This is no fault of the shoe, I just have a deformed foot.
It's amazing how much you feel the change in running surface with VFFs. Not just rocks and stuff but the transition from road to sidewalk pavers was incredible. I have known this all along and typically avoid sidwalks/pavers when possible, but to feel the difference running in VFFs was dramatic. There is absolutely zero give when running on pavers as opposed to the road. I could just feel each stride jolting my bones and joints. Can't wait for spring to come around so I can hit the trails.


saschasdad said...

Now see, you're talking about the VFFs in a much more mellow, normal-guy kind of way than Bronco does. In fact, reading this post even makes me slightly curious about trying them in the near future.

JCaba said...

I wish I had half the passion about wearing VFFs that Bronco has. Unfortunately I am just a mellow, normal kind of guy. You should check them out though.