Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who's in, who's out?

As the Dirty Half approaches, serious questions are swirling. Is Andy Martin's toe really broken? What's all that tape doing on Max King's leg? Are either of them going to run? Is J. Caba really running sub 5 min/mile tempos? Well ladies and gentlemen, the answers are yes, not certain, I don't know, and definitely not. However, Andy unfortunately did reinjure his toe last night, and to say the least won't be 100% if he, shall I say, toes the line. I did also run into Max today at Rebound and he seemed unsure, but leaning towards not. Thing is, even at 50% they would still go 1-2. As for the rest of the heap, I haven't heard of any injuries, and I'm really not in the loop to know if there have been any new additions. In other words, I don't have any useful information to provide. I did find it interesting in my recent blog scan however to find that Sean Meissner just put in approximately 150 miles per week over the past 2 weeks. For those competing with Sean, this can be taken one of two ways. Either he is fit and primed for a stellar race, or he now has massive quads and calves that will demand too much oxygen at a fast pace. Either way, kudos to Sean for his impressive training.

As for the women, I think everything remains the same. I guess they are just tougher.

Look forward to seeing you all at the Dirty Half.


saschasdad said...

Martin and King will show and if Martin has fine-tuned his clothes line technique, he just could surprise an unsuspecting King out there. Rumor is that Meissner has one more tempo run today, then he'll be ready to throw down. Olsen was overheard last weekend talking smack about how easily he's going to run 6-flat pace. Hatfield is definitely nervously optomistic about his over-under odds.

Ryan Altman said...

Good to see you posting regularly. I always enjoy the read.

Hatfield has to go sub 1:30!!!!! I even overheard him say a 1:27.